3 Ways To Get More Value Out Of Your Solar Panel Installation In Pocatello

While generating energy from the sun doesn’t cost anything, the technology behind the process does. Today, Solar Panel Installation Pocatello is a kind of investment, just like home. Where the upfront cost is high, it pays off in the long run.

If you are doubtful whether your investment in a clean energy solution would be worthwhile, you can evaluate these three areas mentioned below. These three factors can make or break any solar energy system and help you understand if it would be beneficial to invest in energy.

#1 Degradation

While most homeowners go for durable solar modules, they often overlook one important factor – the degradation rate. The degradation of solar panels indicates the loss of production capabilities of a solar panel over time.

Since solar panels are installed on the rooftop, they remain exposed to different weather elements. Due to temperature changes and different types of weathering, these panels experience expansion and contraction, causing stress to the inside cells. As a result, most solar panels reduce the production of solar energy over time.

When choosing a Solar Energy Company Pocatello, you should ask about the degradation rate of their solar panels. You should avoid those solar panels with a faster degradation rate to enjoy the high-efficiency solar power for decades.

#2 Warranty

Not all solar companies provide the same warranty. Since the amount of solar investment is high, a fully covered warranty would give you peace of mind. A lot of solar companies offer an attractive warranty at first glance, but all companies last long. If the company stops its business, the warranty would be of no use. So, you should choose a Solar Contractor Pocatello, who has been in the industry for quite a long time. By going with a solar company like Second Sun Solar, you would have the peace of mind that your investment is covered.

#3 ITC

Homeowners planning to adopt renewable energy will enjoy the benefit of the federal solar investment tax credit (ITC). Currently, the ITC is a 26% of the tax credit on the residential solar systems to be installed within 2022. It would reduce to 22% in 2023. If you want to enjoy the full advantage of the ITC, it would be high time.

Go with a reputable Solar Panels Installer Pocatello like Second Sun Solar and get the complete picture of the tax benefit of your state.


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